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Family Counseling in Colorado

Family counseling is a method to develop and maintain healthy and functional family relationships. The ultimate goal of family therapy is to identify and address any problems that are affecting the family members, whether it be emotional, psychological, or behavioral. 


Voyages Counseling offers marriage and family therapy to help families confront and overcome any mental health challenges, lapses in communication, or longstanding stressors in their lives. Even families that love and support each other still experience hardships and miscommunications at times. Though many families express resilience to many modern-day life stressors, even the best families need some outside support to solve problems. If your family is in need of some extra guidance, each of our family therapists at Voyages are ready to assist you in your journey.

  • Your family has difficulty communicating or expressing their emotions, both positive and negative

  • Consistent conflicts between siblings

  • There is a pattern of inconsistent parenting

  • Your family is experiencing marital problems

  • Your family needs help developing a functional and healthy relationship in the wake of a divorce or separation

  • Your family is struggling to adapt to a major life change

  • One or more members of the family are dealing with a chronic illness, substance addiction, or a death in the family

There are many benefits to seeking family therapy. A therapist can help your family to set healthy boundaries, improve and reconfigure dysfunctional communication patterns, and bolster conflict-resolution skills and strategies. Perhaps one member of your family is struggling with mental illness or substance abuse. Through family counseling, your family can work together to support that family member and each other through the difficult circumstances. Perhaps your family has just undergone a traumatic event or is being plagued by feelings of grief or loss. In these instances, finding a family therapist to work through these uncomfortable and painful feelings can be extremely rewarding and beneficial for the resilience of the family as a whole.

During family counseling, your family can expect to first examine how your family functions and communicates with one another and their ability to solve problems and express thoughts and emotions in a productive manner. Once your therapist has a better understanding of your family’s particular dynamic, together, you will explore each member of your family’s roles, house rules, and individual behavior patterns to identify issues that contribute to conflict. Once these issues have been labeled, your therapist will help your family find ways to work through these issues in a healthy, productive manner.

Choosing the right family therapist is a very important decision. Once you have acknowledged that your family needs external help, choosing the right therapist for your family can take some time and a good amount of patience. However, in many cases, by the time your family has agreed to seek therapy, time and patience can be in short supply. When looking for a therapist, search for a counselor that you and your family can feel comfortable opening up to. In therapy, families will need to be willing to disclose private details of their personal lives and emotions. The right therapist will work to create an atmosphere of trust, understanding, and assurance. Voyage’s marriage and family therapists are experienced professionals who are trained in proven methods of family mediation and mental health services.

Many of our therapists across our three office locations in Central Park, Centennial, and Colorado Springs offer familial counseling. However, we know how important the relationship is between your family and your therapist is to get the most out of your family’s sessions. To help your therapist selection process, our therapists offer free, no-obligation phone consultations. During these consultations, you can get a better understanding of the therapist’s specialities, background, and counseling philosophies surrounding relationships. Get started on building the relationship you deserve today. 

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